So this is a new condition that I’ve come to diagnose myself with. It’s not rare in Weddingland but I just never thought it would happen to me. I’m here to say that I officially suffer from MWDS, also known as Multiple Wedding Dress Syndrome (I have coined this term, however, it’s not in the medical books…not yet at least). I’ve come to find out that there are many Brides that have and are suffering from this disease but unfortunately I’m not sure there is a cure for it yet. No budget, friend/family member or husband seems to be able to stop this disease from occurring. If you are wondering if you suffer from this growing epidemic, here are some possible signs:
· An undeniable itch to keep looking for a dress even though you have the perfect one.
· The “Quick Trigger” effect; you initially thought that one of the first dresses you tried on was the one so you purchased it but after a month or so you soon found out that it was not.
· Continuous eye moments towards wedding gown sale racks; no matter where your budget is at, they still look attractive.
· And lastly, Buyer’s remorse; you know that you shouldn’t have but you did anyway!
Again, I have yet to figure out where the actually root of the disease lies. Is it boredom? Perhaps it has to do with the uncontrollable need to be “perfect”? Or maybe it is just the sheer greediness of having more than another bride.
I can tell you that the first step is admitting that you have a problem. Today I stand up and tell the world that I, Nikke T, suffer from MWDS. As I move towards a successful recovery, I plan to sell the second dress on craigslist or to a wedding concealment store. Heck if you need a dress send me a comment! This is tough love, but I have to do it! Beware of MWDS, it’s an epidemic that is not spoken much of but really does kill a lot of pockets! Score one for Weddingland. [Insane meter: 8 out of 10]
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